Fiction…I love it all

Today’s genre post is about genre fiction! What draws me to certain types of fiction? Well…I have to admit, I don’t typically pay attention to genre. I pay attention to authors. If an author is really good and has good reviews, I’ll read the first of the series. If it’s a long series and I like it, I get a little obsessed. I love books of every genre. Nora Roberts, J. D. Robb (yes, they’re the same person, different genres), Patricia Briggs, Ilona Andrews, Mercedes Lackey, Sarah Dessen, Sarah Addison Allen, Rick Riordan, I love them all.

I have to be careful, because I get easily sucked in to genres and it can be dangerous for me. For example, last year I joined Bout of Books and started diving in to YA Paranormal/Fantasy/Dystopian. I read Divergent and two of Jeri Smith-Ready’s books in her Shift series. I read a couple other books too, but it became a fierce hunger. I had to read everything I could get my hands on and my work and my writing suffered because of it. It’s part of the reason why I don’t read a lot of YA books anymore. I can’t read just one. I have to read them all. At once. Without stopping. So until I can learn to moderate my intake they are kind of on the back burner for now (Though I am DYING to read The Selection, anyone care to convince me?).

I will say that if you like mysteries and want a series that goes on forever, with EXCELLENT character development, you should definitely read J. D. Robb’s In Death series. She’s got over 30 books (I’ve read them all. Multiple times) and I love the characters a lot. Eve Dallas and Roarke are in my top ten favorite couples of all time.

I love paranormal books for the most part, but I’ve found that I can’t stand series/books where the main characters are vampires. They annoy me, and I can’t exactly put my finger on why. I read Some Girls Bite with high hopes, because it takes place in Chicago, but it didn’t speak to me and I laughed most of my way through the book. I lean more towards vampire killers and werewolves, like Patricia Briggs’s Alpha & Omega and Mercedes Thompson series or Ilona Andrews’s Kate Daniels series. If you know of other series that don’t have MCs that are vamps, I’d love some recommendations.

13 thoughts on “Fiction…I love it all

    1. Yeah, I think I like werewolves more because they always belong in a pack and are never really on their own. Vampires are all about themselves. 😦 Thanks for telling me about The Selection. Any good Dystopian books you’d recommend?


  1. ah ah a series that goes on forever, I would love that. I remember being so disappointed when I realized I had read all of Brother Cadfaels’ series, and that’s quite a few books!


  2. Hmm I see some commonality here, and to be honest for this round on genre that is what I am looking for! I love Eve and Roarke, have read Divergent books and some of Rick Riordan.
    My Genre


  3. I’ll pretty much give anything a try too. High fantasy is always a challenge for me, though. Nice to meet you!


  4. I love series books, and really hate having to wait for a book to come out. So, I tend to be behind the times with reading new books, unless its a stand alone;)


  5. I love dystopian books, as well. I think there’s inherent potential in creating a dystopian world for an author to say something he or she thinks is important. For example, Westerfeld commented on being too obsessive with physical appearances in writing Uglies. I don’t think all dystopians end up saying something series, but I think there’s a better chance for it from the beginning, as opposed to, well, vampire romances. Although I suppose we can learn something about healthy romantic relationships from those.


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